Las Vegas Performers and Famous Acts

3 Redneck Tenors Booking Info

Profile of 3 Redneck Tenors

3 Redneck Tenors are singers from Broadway and world opera stages that combine Beethoven and country music to create a one-of-a-kind show.

Las Vegas Talent is a celebrity booking agency that can help you book 3 Redneck Tenors for corporate events, private parties, tradeshows, conventions, special events, appearances, endorsements or other special events. When considering to hire 3 Redneck Tenors , you will need secure a minimum budget of $20,000 - $35,000 for 3 Redneck Tenors 's booking fee. Please be aware that that price range is only an average of what we have on file of what 3 Redneck Tenors charges for an event.

To learn how to hire 3 Redneck Tenors for your next event, please fill in and submit the form provided and a booking agent will get back to you with their interest to work your event, along with availability and exact pricing.

Learn more on how to hire 3 Redneck Tenors . Submit a Request Below.

Contact Information
First Name Last Name
Position Company / Organization:
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Event Information
What The Booking Is For Venue Name
Location Date
Budget and Talent
NOTE: Please Review fees in our Talent Library section, so you can set the fee range correctly for the appropriate talent for your event. International events will have a much higher fee for all US celebrities than is listed.
Fee Range $ to $
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