Las Vegas Performers and Famous Acts

Bill Herz Booking Info

Profile of Bill Herz

At an age when most kids were reading comic books, Bill Herz was learning to shuffle a deck of cards with one hand. Today he is regarded as one of the most entertaining corporate magicians in the world. Bill started Magicorp in 1987 to handle the ever-increasing demand for his performing expertise and special event know-how. Except for taking a little time out to earn a bachelor's degree from Amherst College and a master's degree from Cornell University, Bill has spent the past twenty-five years performing at corporate events. Bill currently performs at over 200 corporate events each year and also teaches executives their own meeting magic. Bill's unique mix of comedy and magic has been applauded at corporate functions throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, China, India, and Thailand. He is a two-time winner of the International Magical Performers Award. As a theatrical consultant, Bill designs and creates special effects for Broadway shows, major motion pictures, television commercials as well as industrial and training videos. He is the author of "Secrets of the Astonishing Executive," published by Avon Books. Bill's performances are always custom-tailored to the audience. Whether performing during a meeting, entertaining clients after dinner or astonishing guests at a cocktail party with his sleight of hand, Bill always integrates audience participation, humor and his unforgettable wizardry to ensure a special event that's truly special.

Las Vegas Talent is a celebrity booking agency that can help you book Bill Herz for corporate events, private parties, tradeshows, conventions, special events, appearances, endorsements or other special events. When considering to hire Bill Herz, you will need secure a minimum budget of $15,000 - $26,250 for Bill Herz's booking fee. Please be aware that that price range is only an average of what we have on file of what Bill Herz charges for an event.

To learn how to hire Bill Herz for your next event, please fill in and submit the form provided and a booking agent will get back to you with their interest to work your event, along with availability and exact pricing.

Learn more on how to hire Bill Herz. Submit a Request Below.

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NOTE: Please Review fees in our Talent Library section, so you can set the fee range correctly for the appropriate talent for your event. International events will have a much higher fee for all US celebrities than is listed.
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