Las Vegas Performers and Famous Acts

Jabbawockeez Booking Info

Profile of Jabbawockeez

Best known for being the winners of the first season of the series America’s Best Dance Crew, the Jabbawockeez have gone on to be one of the most well-known dance crews. After winning America’s Best Dance Crew, the Jabawockeez have gone on to tour Australia and headline their own show in Las Vegas; making them the first dance crew to headline a show in Vegas. The group has also put on a nighttime performance for several years as a part of Universal Studio’s Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights. The Jabawockeez have partnered with Coca-Cola to provide medicinal aid to children in underdeveloped countries. They’ve also competed on World of Dance, and have appeared on the series Master of None.

Las Vegas Talent is a celebrity booking agency that can help you book Jabbawockeez for corporate events, private parties, tradeshows, conventions, special events, appearances, endorsements or other special events. When considering to hire Jabbawockeez, you will need secure a minimum budget of $50,000 - $87,500 for Jabbawockeez's booking fee. Please be aware that that price range is only an average of what we have on file of what Jabbawockeez charges for an event.

To learn how to hire Jabbawockeez for your next event, please fill in and submit the form provided and a booking agent will get back to you with their interest to work your event, along with availability and exact pricing.

Learn more on how to hire Jabbawockeez. Submit a Request Below.

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NOTE: Please Review fees in our Talent Library section, so you can set the fee range correctly for the appropriate talent for your event. International events will have a much higher fee for all US celebrities than is listed.
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